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crystal + clover

Restful Reiki

by Anna  Lewis, Intuitive Reiki Master





"You don't have to earn rest. You need rest. You deserve rest. You are worthy of rest simply because you are a living being. And don't ever feel guilty for taking the time to rest." - Eso

All the answers you seek are within you, and I'm here to take you deep into your inner landscape so you can more easily listen to your inner wisdom. Our power does not lie outside of ourselves! You are a powerful and intuitive being, and I am here to help you connect deeper to your inner power and inner wisdom. I provide guidance, but it is within you where all the solutions lie.


Welcome to the rest-full revolution!

I believe that rest is some of the greatest medicine we have, and that our power lies within us, not outside of ourselves. Our bodies are so intelligent, and they know how to heal and provide us with the answers we seek. We simply need to get out of our own way. That's what I'm here for... To give you the space and time for your body, mind, and heart to rebalance, and for you to connect deeply with your inner wisdom. In a state of rest with Reiki, our inner wisdom shines through clearing the path for greater wisdom and love to light our path. From there, life can flow more easily and more in line with our inner truth.

Restful Reiki sessions are designed to pamper your mind, body, and spirit. It's a journey inwards, curated to help you soften, melt, and merge with the divine intelligence within you. Expect to be met with gentleness and love, and leave feeling relaxed, clear, and light. I'm here to help you deepen into rest and connection with your inner wisdom so you feel refreshed and recharged to live the life of your dreams.


In a culture that values constant production, the most rebellious act we can take is to check out of that unhealthy system and rest.


If deepening into rest and deep connection with self feels exciting to you, join me in the rest-full revolution by booking your 1:1 session with me! I'm so excited to connect with you, and share rest and connection with you through the healing energy of Reiki.


Why Restful Reiki?


Rest is healing, and builds capacity and resilience.

Rest helps us remember who we are!

Rest clears the mind, and provides clarity, insight, and motivation.

Rest connects us deeper into our bodies and with our inner wisdom.

Rest brings out our playful spirit.

Rest brings peace.

Rest restores our energy.

Rest brings balance.

Signs you need more active rest in your life:

-feeling foggy, unsure of self, or stressed

-lowered libido

-heightened body pain or tightness

-reactive and difficulty regulating emotions

-digestive issues

-mind feels overly active and full

-trouble moving slowly and mindfully

-feeling out of alignment

-feeling like you don’t have enough energy for the things that bring you joy

-trouble sleeping

-feeling disconnected from your body and your ability to lead from a place of inner trust and knowing

"Rest isn't a reward for the work; it's part of the work." - Leesa Renee Hall

Don't look outside of your self for answers. Look within.

Instead of asking yourself "Have I been productive enough today?",

instead ask, "Have I allowed myself enough time for rest and play?".


About Me


     Hi, I'm Anna, a South Carolina native who now resides in Austin, TX as of 2024. I love yoga, dancing, examining the deeper truths of our human experience, and overall just being a silly little human. I consider myself a mystic, a Highly Sensitive Person, a fairy, and someone who has come to Earth at this time to simply share my light and uplift our collective consciousness. I officially began my training in the healing arts in 2012 with my first Reiki training, and consider myself a lifelong learner. I haven’t always been a full-time energy worker though...

     My journey began as a hairstylist in 2006 where I discovered my passion for natural living after dealing with chemical sensitivities from working in salons. This is when I discovered my love for herbal medicine, chemical free house and personal care products, and plant-based, whole foods. In changing careers for health reasons, I majored in Religious Studies at the College of Charleston where I focused my attention on Eastern and Native American traditions, and especially on the mystical aspects within these traditions. During that time period, I also became Reiki level I certified.

     It wasn’t until 2020 that crystal + clover was born though. For so long, I resisted the call of “healer” because I wanted a “normal” life. If 2020 taught us anything though, it’s that there is no normal! Lol. I was dealing with an overuse injury as a dental hygienist and facing surgery that I did not want to have. I started diving back into Reiki as my own personal medicine, and as my body began to heal, I felt a strong pull from my soul that I needed to continue on this path with Reiki.

     I finally said “yes!” to my calling, and I’m now here, living my soul's purpose, bringing you the medicine I’ve been blessed with to share. I’m here to guide you into deep rest and belonging within yourself. I see you, I accept you, and I love you!

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